Ashley Berkheimer
East Juniata Campus Director
Hello, we are Justin and Ashley Berkheimer better known by our students and friends as Berky and Ash. Youth ministry has been a huge part of our lives since 2010 and we have truly grown up and raised our family centered around events, clubs, mission trips and retreats. I was always that mom lugging around a toddler and stroller at events, but we would not change it for the world because it has allowed us to share the love of Christ with our students without sacrificing time with our own children. When we started volunteering for CPYM we had no idea how much of a blessing it would be to our family. We have had the privilege of walking with students through the highs and lows of life and our goal is to continue to point them to Jesus so that they too could grow in their relationship with Him in hopes that someday they would be able to share with other what GOD has done in their lives. Stepping into this role as directors is something that we are extremely excited about and are trusting and praying that God will continue to lead and guide us each step of the way. We look forward to what this coming year has in store for Juniata County CPYM.
Justin, with the help of his wife Ashley, will oversee the Sr. High Ministry for Juniata County & Sausman Youth Center